Doctors are online now

Know more about our certification process. Learn More

The easiest way to get a medical certificate

We’ve helped thousands of Australians conveniently get a medical certificate when they need it the most.

Signed by a Registered Aussie Doctor

No appointment - available 24/7

Do it from your couch - no travel

Get proper rest on your day off

Request Medical Certificate Now

Treatments provided within the hour (often, even minutes)

Delivered by highly qualified health specialists

100% online - no time wasted, no extra stress

Top Rated on ProductReview


Submit your request

Complete a quick medical questionnaire - most people tell us it only takes a few minutes


Receive your personalised health solution

Certificates to your inbox, physical treatments to your door. Whatever your health needs, you’ll get it fast and tailored to you.


Progress towards better outcomes

Track progress and alter your treatment with your own patient portal. Get evidence-based feedback from your own Partner Doctor to help you learn about and grow your health.

Your expert Australian Partner Practitioners

Hey, I'm your Partner Doctor
How can I help today?
Hey, I'm your Partner Doctor
How can I help today?
Hey, I'm your Partner Doctor
How can I help today?

Registered Aussie Doctors

AHPRA registered.

There are more than

160 million
GP visits per year in Australia

With a large proportion for medical certificates only

Medical Certificate

Our convenient flagship offering. Increasing the time Aussies get on their days off by up to half a day.

How long does it take?
How long can I request?
What will it set me back?
About 60 mins
Up to 7 days
From $19.95

We’ve removed the pain of getting a medical certificate for all Australians

How will I get my online certificate?

Once a Partner Doctor reviews and approved your request, your online medical certificate will be delivered straight to your inbox via email and SMS.

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Are online medical certificates legal?

Yes. The only difference between a traditional medical certificate and an online medical certificate is one was provided via telehealth consultation.

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How can my school/employer verify my certificate?

At MinuteHealth we offer employer/school verification free of charge. We do not share what was discussed in the consultation, however can check the validity of the certificate.

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Something else you need looking into?

Your partner doctor has you covered.
Through an initial consultation, you’ll be recommended the best treatment to suit your needs.
Let an expert doctor assess your needs.

Dr Susan Johnson

MD, BBioMedSci

Consult Now

An Aussie health professional will determine if (and which) treatment is suited to your situation.

Our existing patients who continue to support us

Always tell us about the value of MinuteHealth to them.

900+ review
View All Reviews

Consistently trusted

by 10’s of thousands of Aussies

The MinuteHealth news is in.

The healthcare of today is digital.

Request an online medical certificate in minutes with our easy-to-use platform.

Spend a few minutes getting the friendly, personalised health solution you deserve today.

Consult Now

Life is better when you’re healthy

Spend a few minutes getting the friendly,
personalised health solution you deserve today.

Consult Now