Doctors are online now

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Need A Telehealth Appointment Today?

Consult with an Aussie Partner Doctor about online medical certificates, new/repeat prescriptions, specialist referrals, or general medical advice.

Consults reviewed within the hour (on average)

No appointment - available 24/7

Do it from your couch - no travel

Get proper rest on your day off

Request a Consultation Now

Treatments provided within the hour (often, even minutes)

Delivered by highly qualified health specialists

100% online - no time wasted, no extra stress

Top Rated on ProductReview


Submit your request

Complete a quick medical questionnaire - most people tell us it only takes a few minutes


Receive your personalised health solution

Outcomes to your inbox, physical treatments to your door. Whatever your health needs, you’ll get it fast and tailored to you.


Progress towards better outcomes

Track progress and alter your treatment with your own patient portal. Get evidence-based feedback from your own Partner Doctor to help you learn about and grow your health.

Your expert Australian Partner Practitioners

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Hey, I'm your Partner Doctor
How can I help today?
Hey, I'm your Partner Doctor
How can I help today?

Registered Aussie Doctors

AHPRA registered.

There are more than

160 million
GP visits per year in Australia

Our existing patients who continue to support us

Always tell us about the value of MinuteHealth to them.

900+ review
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Consistently trusted

by 10’s of thousands of Aussies

The MinuteHealth news is in.

The healthcare of today is digital.

Life is better when you’re healthy

Spend a few minutes getting the friendly,
personalised health solution you deserve today.

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